Do you:
- Understand the voice of the patient in a way that’s actionable?
- Create content that’s relevant and valuable?
- Understand key factors that drive perception for a health care brand, health care service line, or health condition?
By tapping into our machine learning data, voice-of-the-customer report, you’ll discover:
- Topics of Conversation
- Nuances in Discussion and Behavior
- Positive and Negative Sentiment
- Unmet patient needs
- Top Influencers
- Share-of-voice versus your competitors
Do you:
- Understand the voice of the patient in a way that’s actionable?
- Create content that’s relevant and valuable?
- Understand key factors that drive perception for your health care brand, health care service line, or a health condition?
By tapping into our machine learning data, voice-of-the-customer report, you’ll discover:
- Topics of Conversation
- Nuances in Discussion and Behavior
- Positive and Negative Sentiment
- Unmet patient needs
- Top Influencers
- Share-of-voice versus your competitors
Two machine-learning data packages:
- Comprehensive, customized report with a 6-month follow-up to document growth
Data as part of a Video Creation Project
25% reduced price
- Customized report with 6-month follow-up
- Gamma Health Studios infuses your content with machine-learning data to please the algorithms.